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In Shandong丨淄博花灯:照亮城市文化灵魂

2023-07-04 17:53:58    出处:海报新闻



With a history of over two thousand years, Zibo is one of the birthplaces of traditional Chinese festive lanterns. In China, there is a proverb that goes, "In the south, there are Zigong's dinosaur lamps; in the north, there are Harbin's ice and snow lights; in the east, there are Zibo's festive lanterns."Zibo Festive Lanterns draw the inspiration from both the southern and northern styles, and have their own innovations and characteristics. People in Zibo have a special affection for the lanterns because of their distinctive artistic style, exquisite craftsmanship, rich historical themes, and a lively-everyday atmosphere.In 2014, Zibo Festive Lanterns were listed in the fourth batch of National Intangible Cultural Heritage list.


Zibo Festive Lanterns flourished in the early Qing Dynasty. There are two primary lantern series, the Zhoucun lanterns and the Boshan lanterns, which became popular with the rise of glass-ceramics industry in Boshan and the silk industry in Zhoucun. Boshan Festive Lanterns primarily use "liuli" (colored glaze) as the main material. They are constructed with a wooden frame and decorated with liuli inlays.The richness of ceramic and colored glaze painting in Zibo has allowed for a multitude of vibrant and diverse forms in the lanterns. The content depicted on these lanterns varies incredibly and encompasses a wide range of themes, showcasing luxurious and graceful designs.Zhoucun Festive Lanterns primarily utilize "silk" as the main material, giving them a delicate and graceful appearance. The lanterns are skillfully crafted, and the paintings on them exhibit intricate details and a lifelike quality."Zoumadeng" (Carousel Lantern) is the representative type of Zhoucun Festive Lantern.It is often in the shape of a palace lantern. By placing a candle inside the lantern, the generated heat creates an airflow that rotates the wheel and drives the attached paper-cut decorations. The candlelight projects the shadow of the paper-cut images onto the lantern screen, creating a continuous and moving display of images.The "Zoumadeng" derives its name from the fact that it often features depictions of ancient warriors riding horses on the lantern surface.


In the present day, Zibo city not only preserves and passes down the art of lantern making but also utilizes and develops it in a scientific and practical manner. Zibo city is taking measures on two fronts regarding lanterns. On one hand, it is enhancing the surroundings of the lantern exhibition areas. On the other hand, it is implementing land and planning policies to expedite the development of a lantern industry park.Zibo city is actively supporting enterprises in enhancing their infrastructure to attract top domestic lantern and light projection companies to establish their presence in the industrial park. By doing so, they aim to foster the growth and competitiveness of the industry, making it larger and stronger.


Each Zibo Festive Lantern tells a story, illuminating and guarding the cultural soul of the city.





策划:魏鹏 辛然



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